WPdirectdebit comes with a number of shortcodes to help you display information on pages you create. If you are unfamiliar with shortcodes in WordPress, you can read up on them here.
Convert an amount from one currency into another.
You could use this to display the price of an item in a different currency at the prevailing exchange rate. (The price that actually gets charged may be slightly different so this is only to be used as a guide.) Use it multiple times to construct a pricing table.
amount: The amount to convert in whole currency units. The currency of the amount is the default currency set in the Gravity Forms settings.
Default value: “1”
currency: The currency to convert the amount into, expressed as a 3-character code. Valid values are:
‘USD’ => U.S. dollars
‘SEK’ => Swedish Krona
‘GBP’ => UK Pound Sterling
‘AUD’ => Australian dollars
‘NZD’ => New Zealand dollars
‘DKK’ => Danish Krone
‘CAD’ => Canadian dollars
‘EUR’ => Euros
Default value: The default value set in Gravity Forms settings.
Example: Convert £9.99 to Euros.
Here’s what you might write:
Price: £9.99 (Price in Euros: €[wpdirectdebit-exchange amount="9.99" currency="EUR"])
Here’s how it displays:
Price: £9.99 (Price in Euros: €11.90)
Function: Display the payment schedule of the recurring payment created by the entry.
Use this to display a list of upcoming payments for the recurring payment set up after the given entry was submitted.
entry: The entry ID of the submitted recurring payment application
notification: Values are “yes” or “no”. Default is “no”. Set to “yes” to change the format of the table for use in notification emails.
Example 1:
[wpdirectdebit-payments-schedule entry="191"]
Example 2:
You can insert a payment schedule into a notification email by using the entry ID merge tag {entry:id} like this:
[wpdirectdebit-payments-schedule notification="yes" entry="{entry:id}"]