About forms

For your visitors to make payments, you’ll need a form for them to complete. To create a form, you need a form builder. Rather than reinvent the wheel, Instant Bank Pay for WordPress (IBP) uses the excellent Gravity Forms plugin for this. Gravity Forms saves the completed forms within your WordPress database and IBP validates and filters the information on the form before passing it over to GoCardless.

You can also add fields to your form for other purposes. For example, you may also wish to add check boxes to accept terms and conditions. In the United Kingdom, you could include a field to approve Gift Aid, if you are collecting donations for a charity.

Gravity Forms is well-documented so please check out their documentation if you are unfamiliar with creating a form, form feeds, confirmations and notifications.

For IBP, unlike WPdirectdebit, there is only one type of form you can create:

  • Instant bank pay (IBP): To take a one-off payment e.g. for a simple purchase via open banking. The chief advantage of Instant Bank Pay is that the bank account is verified ‘instantly’ and so the money is available shortly after the form is submitted. You can dispatch goods much more quickly.

If you want to have the benefits of Instant Bank Pay combined with recurring payments, you’ll need the WPdirectdebit plugin, which can do everything that IBP can plus much more.