How to install WPdirectdebit on your website
Purchase a licence
Purchase your licence here. Your download will be sent to you by email. You’ll benefit from a free 60-day trial starting from the day of registration. An account will be created for you on this website. By logging in to your account you will have access to your license key, your invoice and you’ll also be able to download the software again if needed. A recurring payment will be set up and you will be repeat billed automatically annually unless cancelled. You need to keep your subscription active to continue to use WPdirectdebit.
Get Gravity Forms
WPdirectdebit is designed to work with Gravity Forms. We use this powerful form builder plugin to set up payments and subscriptions, and to send notifications by email to you and your customer. Of course, Gravity Forms is also perfect for your other web forms too.
If you don’t already use Gravity Forms, click the banner to sign up for a Gravity Forms account. Note, you only need the basic Gravity Forms plug-in in order to use WPdirectdebit. Then follow the Gravity Forms documentation to install and activate Gravity Forms.
Install WPdirectdebit
WPdirectdebit installs just like any other WordPress plugin. Login to your website with an admin account, upload it from the plugins page and activate it.
Complete the merchant registration form
Merchants (i.e. the person or organisation who has the GoCardless account) must accept our end user licence agreement before using WPdirectdebit to connect to GoCardless in live mode. If you are the website developer and not the merchant, you should ask the merchant to complete this merchant registration form; you can’t complete it on their behalf. You can test in sandbox mode, but the site cannot connect to GoCardlesss in Live mode until we have received and hand-checked that completed form.
WordPress: WPdirectdebit requires WordPress version 6.0 or above.
php: Version 8.1 or above is required. If you see a message telling you to upgrade your php version, contact your webhosting supplier and ask them to upgrade your php version to 8.1 or a later version.
SSL: You’ll need to have an SSL certificate installed in order to connect to GoCardless in Live mode.
An active license: You’ll need to activate your WPdirectdebit license key in order to connect in Live mode to GoCardless. Your license must be renewed every 12 months.