The WPdirectdebit Gravity Forms Settings
To access the WPdirectdebit Gravity Forms settings page, login to your dashboard using an account with Administrator privileges.
Make sure that the Gravity Forms and WPdirectdebit plugins are both activated.
Locate the Forms menu and select Settings. Then select GoCardless.
Access mode
Enable sandbox mode for testing purposes. Then you can use your GoCardless sandbox to simulate the process of setting up payments and subscriptions. It’s an almost exact model of the live system, but without any money changing hands.
Visit to create your sandbox account. As you’re only testing, you don’t have to use the same email address as for your live account.
When you conduct tests, do not use any ‘real’ data – use only fictional customer data. You’ll also need some dummy account data.
Later on you’ll want to switch this to Live mode. Check out the Going Live section before you do this.
Transaction minimum
Enter the minimum amount per transaction that you wish to permit. Typically this would be 1 (but for Danish Krone is more likely to be 10). This would indicate £1 or $1, i.e. a whole currency unit, not pence or cents. It must not be zero or negative. We recommend you don’t simply set this value to 1; set it to the lowest transaction value you are ever likely to offer. If you sell items and the cheapest is £25 (allowing for discounts, sales etc.,) then set it to £25. This will discourage anyone trying out stolen bank credentials by making low-value test purchases in your store.
Transaction limit
Enter the maximum amount per transaction that you wish to allow. This should not be higher than the maximum allowed by your GoCardless account. Typically the upper limit is 5000 whole currency units, e.g. £5,000 or €5,000. Do not set this to a higher limit than will ever be a genuine purchase; this will reduce the possibility of errors.
Default country
When you design a form used to set up a mandate, one of the fields you are likely to include will be the customer’s address. If your form does not return the customer’s country, the default country entered here will be passed to GoCardless. (Note: the customer will be able to select a different currency).
Payment reference
The payment reference is an optional reference that will appear on your customer’s bank statement. For BACS payments (i.e. receiving payments in the UK) you must be on the GoCardless Plus, Pro or Enterprise packages to use payment references. More information from GoCardless can be found here.
The character limit varies from scheme to scheme; for the BACS scheme the limit is 10 characters. If the reference you enter here is too long for the scheme, it will be truncated.
It’s important that you do not enter anything here if you cannot use payment references. Check with GoCardless if you are unsure.
When you enable Success+ (also known as intelligent retries), GoCardless will retry failed payments automatically, on the date that is most likely to result in success. You need to have Success+ enabled in your GoCardless account for this to have any effect. More information from GoCardless can be found here.
Verification level
With GoCardless, you can now check whether a new customer’s bank account details are genuine without compromising the customer experience. The verification level gives you control over when and how this is implemented.
- Minimum: Bank account verification will be used only if absolutely required, such as when part of scheme rules.
- Recommended: Bank account verification will be used if 1) it’s part of scheme rules and 2) if GoCardless Protect+ is also enabled, it will decide using our payment intelligence solution when a bank account should be verified. This means GoCardless Protect+ will only put riskier payers through the Verified Mandate flow. If GoCardless Protect+ is not enabled, “recommended” will behave the same as the “minimum” option.
- When available: Bank account verification will be used if it’s available for the scheme. If not available, the mandate will be set up without verifying the bank account.
- Always: Bank account verification will be used if it’s available for the scheme. If not available, the mandate will not be set up and an error will be flagged. It’s recommended you avoid this situation by using ‘When available’.
If you do not have Protect+ active on your GoCardless account, there is no pointing selecting ‘recommended’. But you can still benefit from the added security of Verified Mandates by selecting ‘When available’.
More information from GoCardless can be found here.
Purpose code
The purpose code is optional for all schemes other than PayTo (for instant payments in Australia). If you are using PayTo, you should select the most appropriate code from the list.
Authorisation source (ACH only)
This only applies to ACH transactions (for USA). Select the type of authorisation to be used. Since it’s most likely that your customers are completing the form online, followed by online authorisation, you’ll leave the default value ‘WEB’ selected.
Payment management form
As from version 3.0, if you wish to manage payments from your WordPress dashboard instead of (or as well as) from your GoCardless dashboard, you can do this by creating a simple form for this purpose, and selecting it here. The form will be displayed in the WPdirectdebit dashboard managment area. It is not essential to do this so you can leave this set to ‘No form’ for now.
Subscription management form
As for payments, to manage subscriptions from your WordPress dashboard, select your form here.
Mandate management form
As for payments and subscriptions, to manage mandates from your WordPress dashboard, select your form here.